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Business Development Services

Sales Consultancy

Working closely with your team SMC will play an active role in developing new sales opportunities. This level of input varies from remote tele-sales activities to fully out-sourced field sales.

Gap Analysis

Identify the main gaps in your new business sales strategy. In this one day workshop you will discover the main barriers effecting your ability increase sales.  Together we will design an achievable action plan for new business growth.

Best Practice Workshop


This half a day workshop is designed to map your most effective sales process and to bottle best practice bahaviour so that it can be implemented in a repeatable way.


Glass Buildings


Leveraging years of hands on practical sales experience SMC helps small owner run IT businesses find new customers and grow sales revenues.   


SMC understands that marketing budgets are tight and often none existent therefore it strives to maximise results by leveraging the resources already available.  SMC knows that contrary to many urban myths, there is no secret art to selling but recognises that there is a common formula in most successful sales teams.

SMC call this formula -  The Sales Machine. 

SMC's machine based selling principles allows organisations of all sizes to unlock the potential within and strives to take each customer to the next level in sales performance.


The Coach Works

21 The Calls 



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